This is a pretty common use case where you want to show a simple checkbox to authorize the terms and condition with a URL to your terms of service or privacy url. But using lightning:input or lightning-input, we’re not allowed to add
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Platform Events are used to deliver secure, scalable, and customizable notification within Salesforce or external app. Platform Event is based on Event-Driven Architecture. This is built in real time integration patterns in the Salesforce Platform which helps to reduce point-to-point integration. WHEN TO USE PLATFORM
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I found it very important as many places, JS functions can save your a**. I mean LIFE. But specially setTimeout function when you need to perform some function after specific time. Here is an example to use JS setTimeout function in AURA
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Salesforce Files had been introduced with replacement of Attachment/Document object and with some great features like version controlling, sharing, preview and what not. We used to use Attachment/Document object for file hosting like images and pdf (specially on Classic). And if we
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