Consumption-Based Platform Login Licenses [GA]

Consumption-Based Platform Login Licenses [GA]

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What is new?

The Salesforce Platform Login license is designed for users who need occasional, infrequent access to custom apps and AI assistants on Salesforce Platform. This provides a flexible, usage-based, pricing option instead of a fixed per user/per month commitment.

Who is impacted by this change?

  • Customers can purchase the Platform Login and Dev Credits to give their users a more flexible way of getting value from our Salesforce Platform. This license is intended for high volume, infrequent usage.
  • ISVForce partners can bring infrequent customer users into the Salesforce platform and on their app with the new Salesforce Login License. As their app usage grows, customers can buy more logins or move to seat-based licenses.
  • This is not yet available for OEM partners

How does the login-based Platform license work?

To use a login-based license, customers first purchase a specific number of logins to be used every month. Every login entitlement will correspond to 20 individual login users getting provisioned in the org. The users associated with that license consume one login each time they log into Salesforce. Logging in multiple times during the same day only consumes one login. This type of login is referred to as a daily unique login.

Daily Unique Logins and Login consumption reports are sent monthly to customers to provide insight into their Salesforce Platform Login usage.

What action do I need to take?

  • There is no action needed to re-architect your app. Your existing ISVForce app will be accessible by the Platform Login users exactly how Lightning Platform user-based licensed users are accessing it today.
  • If you have site-wide licensing, no actions are required to provide access to users.
  • If you have seat based licensing, you may need to allocate more seats for more platform login users to access your app. You may also want to consider refining your pricing strategy for this new Platform Login type.

Where can I go for more information?

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