Flow: Create/Update CustomMetadata
As of now, you can GET custom metadata records in flows but you cannot create or update them.
Using this invocable class you can create/update custom metadata records in Flows.
You can access the repository here:
The code is self explanatory but I have tried my best to do better commenting for others to understand what’s going on here.
* @description : This invocable class will allow you to update/create customMetadata using Flow/Process Builder.
* @author : M Hamza Siddiqui @ mhamzas.com
* @group : Cloudjunction Advisors, Inc.
* @last modified on : 01-21-2021
* @last modified by : M Hamza Siddiqui @ mhamzas.com
* Modifications Log
* -----------------
* Ver Date Author Modification
* 1.0 01-22-2021 M Hamza Siddiqui @ mhamzas.com Initial Version
global class UpdateCMD implements Metadata.DeployCallback {
/*An invocable variable used as input or output variables in the process builder*/
global class ActionRequest {
@InvocableVariable(required = true)
public List<sObject> data;
//This invocable method is used for processing the business by taking the input from process builder/flow
@InvocableMethod(label = 'Create/Update Custom Metadata')
global static void invokeService(List <ActionRequest> requests) {
for (ActionRequest requestObj: requests) {
//Accessing the values from process builder/flow when record is inserted
for(sObject obj : requestObj.data){
//System.debug('requestObj.sObject@@:' + obj);
//System.debug('requestObj.ObjectType@@:' + obj.getSObjectType());
// Getting all the Populated fields in a Map
Map<String, Object> fieldsToValue = obj.getPopulatedFieldsAsMap();
Map<String, Object> metadataFieldValueMap = new Map<String, Object>();
String MetadataDevName; // To Store Custom Metadata Record API/Developer name
String MetadataLabel; // To Store Custom Metadata Label name
// Looping on all the populated fields
for (String fieldName : fieldsToValue.keySet()){
System.debug('field name is ' + fieldName + ', value is ' + fieldsToValue.get(fieldName));
// We don't want to add system fields to the Map for update, so here is some simple logic
if(fieldName == 'Label'){
MetadataLabel = (String)fieldsToValue.get(fieldName);
} else if(fieldName == 'DeveloperName'){
MetadataDevName = (String)fieldsToValue.get(fieldName);
} else if(fieldName != 'Id' && fieldName != 'Language' && fieldName != 'MasterLabel' && fieldName != 'NamespacePrefix' && fieldName != 'QualifiedApiName') {
// Populating Map for Processing later
metadataFieldValueMap.put(fieldName, fieldsToValue.get(fieldName));
System.debug('Label is ' + MetadataLabel + '& DeveloperName is ' + MetadataDevName);
// Making sure to have either Label or Developer Name for the CMD record to process
if(String.isBlank(MetadataDevName) && String.isBlank(MetadataLabel)){
throw createCustomException('Make sure to add "Label" attribute in assignemnt for Create and "DeveloperName" for update.');
} else {
//if MetadataDevName available, which means the record exists already - Processing UPDATE
UpdateCMD.updateCustomMetadata(String.valueof(obj.getSObjectType()),MetadataDevName, MetadataLabel,metadataFieldValueMap);
} else { // Creating a new Custom Metadata record
//if ID not available - CREATE
UpdateCMD.createCustomMetadata(String.valueof(obj.getSObjectType()), MetadataLabel, metadataFieldValueMap);
// END
/* Custom Metadata Deploy Methods */
/* ============================================================*/
//Inteface method
public void handleResult(Metadata.DeployResult result, Metadata.DeployCallbackContext context) {
if (result.status == Metadata.DeployStatus.Succeeded) {
System.debug('Success Result-' + result);
} else {
System.debug('Failed Result-' + result);
throw createCustomException(String.valueof(result));
//Create Custom Metadata record
public static void createCustomMetadata(String metdataName, String label, Map<String, Object> metadataFieldValueMap){
String recordDevName = label.replaceAll(' ', '_');
Metadata.CustomMetadata cMetadata = new Metadata.CustomMetadata();
cMetadata.fullName = metdataName + '.' + recordDevName;
cMetadata.label = label;
for(String key : metadataFieldValueMap.keySet()){
Metadata.CustomMetadataValue cMetadataValue = new Metadata.CustomMetadataValue();
cMetadataValue.Field = key;
cMetadataValue.Value = metadataFieldValueMap.get(key);
Metadata.DeployContainer mdContainer = new Metadata.DeployContainer();
UpdateCMD callback = new UpdateCMD();
Id jobId = Metadata.Operations.enqueueDeployment(mdContainer, callback);
//Update Custom Metadata record
public static void updateCustomMetadata(String metdataName, String recordDevName, String label, Map<String, Object> metadataFieldValueMap){
Metadata.CustomMetadata cMetadata = new Metadata.CustomMetadata();
cMetadata.fullName = metdataName + '.' + recordDevName;
cMetadata.label = label;
for(String key : metadataFieldValueMap.keySet()){
Metadata.CustomMetadataValue cMetadataValue = new Metadata.CustomMetadataValue();
cMetadataValue.Field = key;
cMetadataValue.Value = metadataFieldValueMap.get(key);
Metadata.DeployContainer mdContainer = new Metadata.DeployContainer();
UpdateCMD callback = new UpdateCMD();
Id jobId = Metadata.Operations.enqueueDeployment(mdContainer, callback);
/* Flow Exception Handling */
/* ============================================================*/
public class CustomException extends Exception {}
static CustomException createCustomException(String message) {
CustomException ex = new CustomException(message);
return ex;
Happy Coding!