I was exploring the internet and found a wonderful utility class having methods to get information about fields and objects, including schema information by Kevin Antonioli posted on Playground App. Although I do have my own version but I prefer this one as this has probably more methods and documented :p


Get the describe for an object without ever running an expensive Schema.globalDescribe() call

// using object api name string param:
Schema.DescribeSObjectResult accountDescribe = FieldUtils.getDynamicDescribe('Account');

// using SObject record param:
Schema.DescribeSObjectResult accountDescribe = FieldUtils.getDynamicDescribe(accountRecord);

Get the field map for an object without ever running an expensive Schema.globalDescribe() call

// using object api name string param:
Map<String, Schema.SObjectField> accountFieldMap = FieldUtils.getFieldMap('Account'); 

// using SObject record param:
Map<String, Schema.SObjectField> accountFieldMap = FieldUtils.getFieldMap(accountRecord); 

Get the properties for a particular field set:

List<Schema.FieldSetMember> accountFieldSet = FieldUtils.readFieldSet( 'My_Field_Set',  'Account');

Get just the api names of the fields belonging to a particular field set:

List<Schema.FieldSetMember> acctFieldSetApiNames = FieldUtils.getFieldSetFieldAPINames( 'My_Field_Set',  'Account');

Determine if SObjectField is createable using object and field string params:

Boolean isCreateable = FieldUtils.isFieldCreateable('Account', 'Industry');

Determine if SObjectField is accessible using object and field string params:

Boolean isAccessible = FieldUtils.isFieldAccessible('Account', 'Industry');

Determine if SObjectField is updateable using object and field string params:

Boolean isUpdateable = FieldUtils.isFieldUpdateable('Account', 'Industry');

Get the field type for an SObject field using object and field string params:

String industryFieldType = FieldUtils.getFieldType('Account', 'Industry'); //PICKLIST

Get a list of all field api names for a given object:

List<String> acctFields = FieldUtils.getAllFieldsForSobj('Account');

Get a list of all createable fields for a given object:

List<String> acctCreateableFields = FieldUtils.getCreateableFields('Account');

Get a list of all accessible fields for a given object:

List<String> acctAccessibleFields = FieldUtils.getAccessibleFields('Account');

Get a list of all updateable fields for a given object:

List<String> acctUpdateableFields = FieldUtils.getUpdateableFields('Account');

Get a list of all fields (except within a specified blacklist) for a given object:

List<String> acctFieldsExceptBlacklist = FieldUtils.getAllFieldsExceptBlacklist('Account', new List<String>{'PersonPronouns', 'PersonGenderIdentity'});

Parse last object from field path:

// sample data:
Contact contact = [SELECT Id, Name, Account.Owner.Name FROM Contact LIMIT 1];

// dynamically get the last object within a multi-level path (in this case, User/Owner):
SObject deepestRecordFromPath = ApexUtils.parseLastSubObjectFromPath(contact, 'Account.Owner.Name'); // get the user record

Parse value from field path:

// sample data:
Contact contact = [SELECT Id, Name, Account.Owner.Name FROM Contact LIMIT 1];

// dynamically get the field value as an Object for a multi-level path:
Object fieldValueObj = ApexUtils.parseValueFromFieldPath(contact, 'Account.Owner.Name'); // get the value stored in the Name field


Credits: Kevin Antonioli

Source: https://live.playg.app/play/field-utils

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