Einstein Co-Pilot – Trial Org

Salesforce Einstein Copilot is an AI-powered conversational assistant that is fully integrated into the Salesforce Platform. It is designed to boost user productivity by offering AI-driven suggestions and automating routine tasks within the Salesforce ecosystem.

Einstein Copilot can answer questions, summarize content, create new content, interpret complex conversations, and dynamically automate tasks for users. It comes with a library of pre-programmed capabilities, automated responses, and business tasks that the AI can perform for users when prompted.

Einstein Copilot is part of Salesforce’s Einstein 1 Platform, which integrates the user interface, a variety of AI models, and data in a single metadata-driven platform. It’s grounded in Data Cloud, which connects, federates, and harmonizes any data type from any product and system.

Learn more about Einstein Co-Pilot: https://www.salesforce.com/news/stories/about-einstein-copilot/

Sign up for a Trial Org with Einstein Generative AI

& Don’t forget to Enable Einstein Copilot: Setup> Einstein Setup> Enable

See you on the next one!

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